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About me



My name is Sandra Jaspert and since the beginning of 2020 I have been living my dream, my calling, to bake and sell sweets in the form of cookies in the Heavenly Bakery


In doing so, I can truly say that the Heavenly Bakery was literally put in my children's shoes. For as long as I can remember, I have been bringing joy to people's faces and palates with my pastries. Since 2018, I have been pursuing the big goal of leaving the hobby bakery behind and offering my cookies to a larger audience as an independent baker.

And right now is the right time! The kids are grown and after almost thirty years as a nurse in nursing, it's time to venture into something new. I am very grateful for the support of my loyal friends and family, especially my husband.

© 2021 Heavenly Bakery - Heavenly Bakery by Sandra Jaspert

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